22 February 2011

My New Blog Header

What do you think of my new blog header? It took lots of playing around on my end. I felt very computer illiterate playing with the program. Thank goodness for Youtube and all the other blogs with so much how to do a blog header helps. I am still not sure if I like the size of it. It seems to big. When I did the smaller size it I could hardly see the kids pictures. What do you think of the size?

I downloaded Gimp which is a free program to make the header. As far as explaining well-when I completely understand what I did I will try to attempt to explain. I had a lot of frustrating moments and didn't even know what I did at times! Yes, this is a new endeavor for me as you can tell. I am pretty satisfied with what I did so far. Here it is!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like it! I do see what you mean about their pics being blurry, but there may not be a happy medium between too small and this.

    I am considering switching to blog spot as I am getting tired of fiddling with stuff on mine and mine won't accept Java stuff at all which precludes me from doing and joining some things.


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