08 December 2011

False Alarm

Little Man yesterday came running downstairs yesterday yelling, "MOMMY!", "Hurry this is really bad, I see smoke coming out of our house! We are on fire!"

I run upstairs with all the kids in tow. It was just air coming out of the dryer vent. We had a really chilly day yesterday. He told me, "I'm sorry mommy. I was walking back downstairs and I seen all this smoke coming from downstairs and I thought my family was going to get hurt." I think he was a little embarrassed.

We just read about fire safety awhile back. I explained to him, "that it was okay and that he did the right thing." I would rather him yell fire and be wrong and not just assume it was okay and it was actually a fire." I told him that he better never do it as a joke and have everyone run upstairs as a prank. He is my prankster and likes to kid around a lot.

Then it ended in a mini science lesson about what happens when warm and cold air come together.  I am happy to say that we still have a warm home to enjoy today with a working dryer.

1 comment:

  1. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Bless his heart :) I am proud of him though, He took a VERY Courages Move :)
    Renee ! YEA Its the weekend LOL


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