
24 February 2012

Creative Slow-Cooker Meals by Cheryl Moeller

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

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                   Today's Wild Card author is:

and the book:
Harvest House Publishers; Spi edition (February 1, 2012)

***Special thanks to Karri James, Marketing Assistant, Harvest House Publishers for sending me a review copy.***


Cheryl Moeller is a seasoned mother and a standup comic. She is also a syndicated columnist with her own blog (www.momlaughs.blogspot.com) and contributes monthly to several online parent websites. Cheryl has coauthored two books on marriage with her husband and has written for www.mops.org and Marriage Partnership. Cheryl does comedy for parenting classes, MOPS groups, wedding or baby showers, church retreats, women’s conferences, and those in line at the grocery store.

Visit the author's website.


From the celebrated coauthor of The Marriage Miracle comes a new kind of cookbook and a new attitude toward planning meals. With an eye toward the whole menu, not just part of it, columnist Cheryl Moeller teaches cooks to use two crockpots to easily create healthy, homemade dinners.

Don’t worry about your dinner being reduced to a mushy stew. Each of the more than 200 recipes has been taste-tested at Cheryl’s table. Join the Moeller family as you dig into:

  • Harvest-time Halibut Chowder
  • Salmon and Gingered Carrots
  • Mediterranean Rice Pilaf
  • Indian Chicken Curry
  • Apricot-Pistachio Bread
  • Shrimp Creole
  • Rhubarb Crisp
... and many more! Perfect for the frazzled mom who never has enough time in the day, Creative Slow-Cooker Meals gives readers more time around the table with delicious, healthy, frugal, and easy meals!

Product Details:

List Price: $14.99

Spiral-bound: 272 pages

Publisher: Harvest House Publishers; Spi edition (February 1, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0736944915

ISBN-13: 978-0736944915

AND NOW...THE FIFTH CHAPTER (click on pages to enlarge):

Who doesn't love a crock pot! Especially, when your a busy mom on the go all the time. I was excited to get an opportunity to review this cookbook.

There are 10 chapters in this cookbook. Take the Fast out of Breakfast, Passport of the Nations, Simple Meals Vegetarian, Gluten-Free Cuisine, and Parties/Barbecues/Gatherings just to name a few.

There are over 250 recipes in this spiral-bound cookbook. The pages are extra thick and look like they can handle a few wipes of spills on the pages. Lots of how to tricks when using a crock pot. Each chapter begins with a scripture verse.

The author recommends that you use two crock pots to make a complete meal. Each page has side by side recipes that go together for a complete meal. I don't own two crock pots and don't plan on getting two either. But a very good idea using two crock pots.

I tried a few recipes. One was Pineapple Carrots. Very good, simple, and easy to make. I used baby carrots and canned pineapple and it still came out good with lots of flavor.

Another recipe was African Sweet Potatoes. Which wasn't bad but did lack flavoring in my opinion. I added a few ingredients at the end and it suited my palette better. The recipe was easy to make and easy to adjust to my liking if needed. Most of the other recipes came out pretty good.
 The recipe was easy. Just add sliced sweet potatoes into your crock pot.
Add the spices and cook on low for 4-6 hours.
After a few hours of suffering through the smell. Are ya hungry yet?

I like cookbooks with pictures. I am a visual person and would of love to have a few pictures added to the pages to tempt me to cook it! Overall, this is a great recipe book that is easily prepare home-cooked dinners and meals. The recipes are practical, not gourmet, and use easily-available ingredients.

 This book has been provided to me my by FirstWildCard book tours free of charge and in no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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