10 July 2012

My Bugs Love of Insects

Bug is all girly girl. She loves everything pink and purple. She loves dresses and just about anything girly. The other day we got another poster for her room and I had to laugh because it just seems odd to see purple walls, flower patterns, and all the other stuff you would expect to see in a girly girl room. Then every corner of her room has some form of insects.
Insect posters cover this wall and we have one more on the wall that we didn't have prior to this picture.
 Insects on her shelf, hanging from her peg hooks, and on her plastic toy drawers are her beloved plastic insects. Not to mention her wall on this side of the room. This is just what you see. All kinds of insect stuff in her drawers and downstairs in the playroom.

 My bedroom is where we keep her entomology cases. There is no room in the house that you aren't reminded of her love of insects. We have catching jars by the front and back door along with catching nets. Hey we don't want to miss catching a good insect to pin. I have the catching supplies in the car and a few containers in my purse. Sigh!!!!!

She also has her beloved insect shirts which she would wear everyday if she could. Talk about meltdowns when they are dirty and she is stuck on wanting to wear one! Thank goodness she has a couple of horse shirts to diffuse the situation!
 We can't forget her beloved stuffed Ladybugs. Which Ladybugs are her favorite. Her light switch cover is also a Ladybug. Her dresser also covered in insect stuff. Three insect piggy banks, a picture frame, and various painted rocks that look like insects.
She loves horses also. Which may be the other obsession that she has. Except we don't catch or pin them or even own one. She does have a few more insect stuff animals hanging around on this dresser also. What you can't see is that she has on her walls butterflies all over them. The posters cover them. 

She wants to paint her room bright pink and put up some insect borders that we seen. She may consider a horse border. Which I would prefer. It's her room and as long as its appropriate I will be okay with either.

This week is the county fair. She is excited to put her first collection in the fair. Even more excited to see other boxes full of insects. 

We have so many insects to pin for next year already. It almost makes my brain hurt thinking of it. I even catch insects when she isn't with me. As you can tell I am a little insected out and I don't foresee the end of this anytime soon. Now I feel better getting it off my chest! It could be worst and she could be in love with reptiles. Have a blessed day.

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