22 September 2016

KidsEmail.org Review


My kids are growing up in a different world than I did. With the internet, emails, and all sorts of technology has forced parents to have to be much more diligent about protecting our kids. The reality is that kids need to be able to learn these skills to function in today’s world. I was thrilled to receive an Annual Subscription from KidsEmail.org to let my son spread his wings and learn the skills needed to be able to email friends and family.

About KidsEmail.org

With KidsEmail.org you have an option to set up 6 accounts with your Annual Subscription for your children. 

Features include:

Mail Monitoring-With every email your child sends or receives you will also receive a copy in your email to view. This can be turned on or off at any time easily.

Block Senders- You can block certain email recipients. You can set up a message if you want to let the individual know that they are being blocked.

Contact Manager-This is a list of emails that you deem safe for your children. I can set it up for them to only receive emails from this list.

Mail Alert Queue-If an email is outside of the contact list I set up the emails go into a queue that only I see. If the email  doesn’t meet my approval I can delete it without worrying about my son intercepting the email. This function is only available if I set up the email for only receiving emails on the child’s contact list.

Spam Filter-No worrying about getting all that spam email into your kid’s inbox.

Time Restrictions-I can manage what times they are able to access to their email. I can set this up by day and by the hour. This is a great feature if you don’t want your kids looking at email during school hours or in the wee hours of the night.

GPS Tracking-This is a Smartphone feature that I can monitor and see where my child has been if they have their mobile device with them.

Grounding-I can ground my child from email. I can set the time frame of grounding with what I have imposed for a time period or for days.

Ad Free-No advertising is done with KidsEmail.org and so no worry about inappropriate pesky ads popping up.

Folders-Your child can set up folders to manage and organize their emails.

Customized Backgrounds-Your child can choose their own background theme with a nice selection to choose from.

A few other features: I can customize it not to receive or send links from the internet. I can filter out inappropriate language from senders. 

KidsEmail.org can be used on a computer, Kindle app, iOS app, or an Android app. It’s a nice feature that is very versatile.
There are two options for you to select. One is for younger kids and the other is with older kids. The older kids have more control over their email with the perimeters you set up for them.
For younger kids who still need assistance with reading you can set it up to have the email read back to them.

There is also a Drawing Board to make their own masterpieces within their emails. This is a fun feature to send grandparents drawings.

The older kids have more freedom and yet it is still safe. One main difference is that the younger ones have their Username@ kidsemail.org and the older kids have Username@ kmail.org which doesn’t make them feel like a kid with the word in their email address. Pretty clever and I am glad they did that for an option.

Not sure about letting your kids email? They have a free 30 day trial period to see if it’s something that would work for your family. 

How have I been using KidsEmail.org in my home?
I choose to use this with my 10 year old son who is growing up way to fast. I felt that he was responsible enough to use the older account. He has been asking me for his own email for awhile. I just haven’t felt comfortable with some of the free email account options out there. He was pretty excited to finally have his own email!  

Setting up the account was extremely easy. After choosing to have him use the older account option I then decided that I didn’t want any links that could he could hit and go who knows where on the internet. He had a friend send him a link to a gaming mouse that he wanted my son to see. I was able to verify it first and then we could copy the link and put it in the web browser. 

Next, you set up time restrictions. Which, I played around with this option so I could see how it worked. Basically, I set up a few days to not have him look at his email during school hours.
We put in family contacts and asked some of his friends for their email address so we could put them in his contact list.

I choose the option of receiving a copy of incoming and outgoing mail. 

Choosing a background was the hardest part as they have 30+ options. Little Man went with a wolf theme. You can change the background often. So far he is happy with his background choice.
Originally, we planned to download the app on his Kindle but, his Kindle broke. I will download it when he has a new one. He has a birthday coming up fast.

Little Man found that you have all the same options that a regular email has. You can adjust font, size, spell checker, make letters bold, and so on.

One thing that I learned quickly is that I had to teach him that emailing is different than texting. He doesn’t have a smart phone and so texting is not so simple with his current phone. He abbreviates a lot when sending me text messages. He tried to at first do this with email. It was a good time to teach him some etiquette with writing an email. He had to really think about what he was typing to the other individual and make sure that his grammar, spelling, and so on was correct. I love this option as he was learning skills and not thinking he was learning because, it was just way too fun emailing others. He didn’t want his friends and family think he couldn’t spell!

He also had a chance to email a few of the other boys from the Homeschool Review Crew. He thought this was great emailing other kids from other states and learning about them.

Would I change anything? I haven’t had any issues and have been pleased with it all.

Overall, I am real happy with KidsEmail.org. This has made my son very happy and I am happy that he can grow up some and spread his wings and learn how to email others. The best part is that I know he is safe from all the junk that is other there on the internet.

Don’t just take my word for it. See what the others are saying on the Homeschool Review Crew about KidsEmail.org.


1 comment:

  1. This looks great! I too have been wanting to let me kids try out email.Thanks for the post!


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