
29 May 2018

Homeschool Diploma 8th Grade Graduation

Homeschool Diploma made my daughter's belated 8th grade graduation extra special! I was so excited to present my daughter with her 8th Grade Diploma!

Since my daughter graduated last year from 8th grade we just presented her with her diploma in April. She is sure proud of having a nice diploma. You can read my review here. Her dad and I were proud to present it to her.

Homeschool Diploma has a plethora of other items:

For Kindergarten they have Cap, Gown, Tassel and Diploma
Standard Diploma for Highschool 
Gifts for your graduate

Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew are sharing their end of year celebrations.Click on the graphic below to see the celebrations of some awesome homeschool kids who have graduated.

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