
30 May 2018

Journible Book Review and Giveaway

About these Books

Title: Journible: The 17:18 Series
Author: Robert Wynalda (a local businessman) and Dr. Joel R. Beeke (President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary)
Genre: Non-fiction, Bible study tool
Release Date: Series released in 2009

Why the 17:18 series?

In Deuteronomy 17, Moses is leaving final instructions concerning the future of Israel. As a prophet of God, Moses foretells of when Israel will place a king over the nation (v. 14). In verse 18, the king is commanded to not simply acquire a copy of the law (the entire book of Deuteronomy) from the scroll publishing house, but to hand write his own copy of the law. Thirty-four hundred years later, educators are discovering that students that physically write out their notes by hand have a much greater retention rate than simply hearing or visually reading the information. Apparently, God knew this to be true of the kings of Israel also. From such understanding came the conception of this series of books.

How to Use These Books

Each book is organized so that you can write out your very own copy of Scripture. You will be writing the Bible text only on the right hand page of the book. This should make for easier writing and also allows ample space on the left page to write your own notes and comments. From time to time a question or word will be lightly printed on the left page; these questions are to aid in further study, but should not interfere with your own notes and comments.

Click here to purchase your copy!
About the Author
Dr. Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, a pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, president of Inheritance Publishers, and vice-president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. He has written, co-authored, or edited seventy books (most recently, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, Living Zealously, Friends and Lovers: Cultivating Companionship and Intimacy in Marriage, Getting Back Into the Race: The Cure for Backsliding, Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace, Living for the Glory of God: An Introduction to Calvinism, Meet the Puritans, Contagious Christian Living, Calvin for Today, Developing a Healthy Prayer Life, and Taking Hold of God), and contributed 2,000 articles to Reformed books, journals, periodicals, and encyclopedias. His Ph.D. is in Reformation and Post-Reformation theology from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). He is frequently called upon to lecture at seminaries and to speak at Reformed conferences around the world. He and his wife Mary have been blessed with three children: Calvin, Esther, and Lydia.

The 17:18 Series

 My Thoughts: 

I'm not much of a Bible Journaling. What interested me in this series was the fact that you are just writing out the scriptures word by word with a place to reflect on the scripture in your own words. To me that is more powerful and meaningful.

The Jounibles comes in a black hardback book with gold lettering. It looks very classy. The book is a nice size to carry around. Also a nice ribbon bookmark to keep your place marked. 

The book has a place to put your notes on the left side. The Bible books chapters are labeled on the right side. I choose to work the Proverbs of The 17:18 Series. 

There is a decent amount of space to write in. I write large so I had to think about my writing size. Others may not have that problem. The pages are a heavy stock paper. Which is nice on certain medians you may want to use. I don't see much bleeding. 

Another nice addition is that throughout the pages there is a question on a certain verse in the chapter for you do reflect on. One section says, "(27) Think about this verse and then read Matthew 5:17-30" then it gives you space to add your impression below.

I know you could just grab a notebook and do this but, these are nice and you could add them to your bookshelf and pull them down to read later or to add some thought to it later. I would store a notebook out of sight. These are a nice edition to your library that will be enjoyed for years.

I think the Jounribles are a great way to stop and think about what you are writing down. Sometimes we read God's word quickly. This is a nice way to slow down and reflect on God's word. 

These are amazing and I plan on adding more to my collection after I'm done with Proverbs.

Blog Stops
Vicky Sluiter, May 17
Book by Book, May 21
Genesis 5020, May 23
amandainpa, May 24
Bigreadersite, May 24
Multifarious, May 27


To celebrate the tour, Reformation Heritage Books is giving away a grand prize of the entire set of New Testament Journibles!! Click the graphic below to enter or just click here.

I received a free copy of this product from Celebrate Lit Bloggers in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


  1. I enjoyed your review. Thanks for being on the tour.

  2. These would make a wonderful tool to help with Bible study! Thanks for being a part of the blog tour.

  3. I agree that is how I feel with journaling. I'm not much of a drawer and it's just not my style to study the word with creating art.


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