18 November 2018

Chosen People by Robert Whitlow Book Review

About the Book

Book: Chosen People  
Author: Robert Whitlow  
Genre: Legal Drama  
Release Date: November 6, 2018  
Publisher: HarperCollins

Bestselling author Robert Whitlow dives deep into the legal ramifications of a tragic event half a world away and how it affects two lawyers in Atlanta from vastly different backgrounds. When Hana Abboud walked into the conference room, she was unprepared for the images of a horrific terrorist attack near the Western Wall in Jerusalem. But after watching a courageous mother sacrifice her life to save her four-year-old daughter, Hana knew she needed to help attorney Jakob Brodsky represent the family’s pursuit of justice against those who perpetrate acts of violent jihad. As an Arab Israeli lawyer trained at Hebrew University, Hana is uniquely qualified to step into the gap. But they need a third partner, an investigator on the ground to help them unravel the snake pit of connections between the terrorists and an organization or company that can be sued in the American courts. Hana returns home to Israel and meets with investigator Hamid Hasan who quickly becomes more than a crucial part of the litigation team. As Jakob and Hana investigate the case in the US, he is stalked on the streets of Atlanta by affiliates of a terrorist organization. Their pursuit of truth can only be resolved where it began: the streets of Jerusalem. But who can they trust? How deep does deceit go? Can two lawyers and a shadowy investigator impact the kind of violence and terror that has become common in our broken world?

Click here to purchase your copy!
Little Homeschool on the Prairie Review:
It’s been awhile since I have read one of Robert Whitlow books. I was thrilled to read one of his legal thrillers while my guys were in Israel of all places. I’ve enjoyed his books in the past and was eager to get started. I really enjoy Robert Whitlow bringing in a Christian perceptive in his books.

First off, I think the author did a good job of the setting in Israel. I felt like I was back there again. Overall, a decent job of the culture and some of the tension explained. It wasn’t a whole lot but gave you a bit of an overview of the situation for the book. I’m glad he used one of the main characters as an Arab – Israeli who happens to be a believer. Yes, they get along over there it’s just a few bad ones that make the media go nuts and gives you the wrong impression.

I don’t recall reading a book with the legal actions centered on someone seeking restitution from terrorist. That made the story a bit intriguing with the plot. Not a whole lot of action in this and the story read slow at times while building up the story. It was bearable read and nothing that made me want to put the book down. A few twist and turns and even a few surprises I didn’t expect.

The characters are realistic and likable. Hana Abboud an international lawyer who is an Arab Christain who grew up in Jerusalem and now living in Atlanta. Jakob Brodsky is a Jewish Lawyer and Daud Hasan who is an Israeli private investigator.

Overall and interesting read that I enjoyed. 

I received a free copy of this product  in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.

About the Author

Robert Whitlow is the bestselling author of legal novels set in the South and winner of the Christy Award for Contemporary Fiction. He received his J.D. with honors from the University of Georgia School of Law where he served on the staff of the Georgia Law Review. Website: robertwhitlow.com, Twitter: @whitlowwriter, Facebook: robertwhitlowbooks

Guest Post from Robert


Inside the Story

Chosen People—a title that reflects both the Biblical designation for the Jewish nation as well as converted Christians—opens during a terrorist attack near the Western Wall in Jerusalem. A courageous mother sacrifices her life to save her young daughter, leaving behind a grieving husband and a motherless child. Whitlow’s many trips to Israel and his in-depth research into the culture and laws of the Holy City are evident throughout the story. Furthermore, his experience as a lawyer gives him keen insight into the mind of his main character Hanna Abboud, an Arab Christian Israeli lawyer working in Atlanta. “This book provides a unique perspective to this region and its peoples through the eyes of an Arab Christian who believes that the faithfulness of God and truths of the Bible are unshakable realities,” says Whitlow. “This viewpoint is rarely expressed, yet it is one that needs and deserves to be heard so that it can become part of our framework for understanding this vital part of the world and the people who live there.” 

Blog Stops

Genesis 5020, November 8
Multifarious, November 9
The Power of Words, November 9
The Becca Files, November 10
Bibliophile Reviews, November 10
C Jane Read, November 11
Book by Book, November 11
Margaret Kazmierczak, November 12
By The Book, November 12
All-of-a-kind Mom, November 13
Painting with Words, November 13
Simple Harvest Reads, November 14 (Guest post from Mindy Houng)
Robin is Bookish, November 14
Texas Book-aholic, November 15
Moments, November 15
Mary Hake, November 16
Janices book reviews, November 17
Christian Bookaholic, November 18
Carpe Diem, November 19
Inklings and notions, November 20
Bigreadersite, November 21
For The Love of Books, November 21


To celebrate his tour, HarperCollins is giving away a grand prize of three finished Robert Whitlow books (to be chosen by the publisher)!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.:



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