14 November 2019

Pack Up & Leave Travel Tips for Fun Family Vacations by Jennifer Flanders Book Review

Want to take a stress-free and affordable family vacation? Let Jennifer Flanders, a seasoned globetrotter and mother of 12, show you how! Pack Up & Leave is jam-packed with tips to make traveling with children more fun, enjoyable, educational, and easy.

My thoughts:

I have always thought that traveling while homeschooling would be the best education in the world. What better way to explore the places where history happened and to just do something fun with my family. Honestly, it feels like a dream to be able to do that. I was completely intrigued when I seen “Pack Up & Leave Travel Tips for Fun Family Vacations by Jennifer Flanders.”

This was an easy to read book with lots of hopeful information. Jennifer Flanders has broken this book up in fifteen sections. I found all the information very practical and realistic information and tips.

Jennifer Flanders in a homeschool mamma herself and gets it that homeschooling is a lifestyle each and every day. I love that she focuses on family and creating moments.

The book covers everything from budgeting and starting out small. Being realistic with your children’s ages when traveling to certain places. I think backpacking in Europe sounds fun but, not with younger kids. Sometimes we have to consider what activities the kids want to do and include them in the planning. I have heard many parents complain how they went someplace exciting because of the history, education, and the kids complained and whined the majority of the trip. My kids really love museums but, a weeks’ worth of daily museums would be a disaster. Sometimes we need to step back and find out what they are interested in doing once you pull together resources to present to the family. It’s not that you don’t make it educational but, there are more things to do than museums and who’s not to say that something like paragliding can’t be educational! That thought is fresh on my mind as my 13 year old has been talking about paragliding a lot!

She talks about car traveling, cruises, missionary, and flying trips. She has several tips on boredom busters, packing, and even buying souvenirs realistically cheap. I have never considered taking a crock pot on the road. Consider eating places where kids eat free and she even lists several places that kids can eat free. There is so much more information throughout.

What I love the most is that she also focuses on staycations and long weekends. She reminds you that it isn’t about the places but making memories daily with your kids in everyday life. A quote, “No summer trip to Disney can compete with the magic of living at home with a family who loves one another and delights in spending time together, all year long.”  I have to agree 100% with those words.

Thank you so much Jennifer Flanders for sharing your tips on traveling. It looks more hopeful to get out more and see the world. Who knows maybe one day you will make it the TPA Wichita, KS Homeschool Convention as a speaker.

I received a free copy of this product from BookCrash.com in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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