07 May 2020

God's Word to Dream On by Diane Stortz Book Review and Giveaway

About the Book

Book:  God’s Words to Dream On
Author: Diane Stortz
Genre: Children’s Bible storybook/Non-fiction
Release Date: March 2019

Start a Bedtime Bible Story Tradition Tonight!
What better way to spend the last few minutes of the day than snuggled up with your children, pouring God’s love into their hearts? God’s Words to Dream On calms, quiets, and opens hearts to hear faith-building Bible stories and prayers. Over 50 stories—from the Old and New Testaments—create an overview of the Bible with a focus on God’s love, care, protection, trustworthiness, and power.
Each Night, You’ll Enjoy:
* A Bible Story—stories of Gods power and protection
* A Bedtime Blessing—how this story will bless your child’s life
* God’s Words to Dream On—a Bible verse to hide God’s Word in little hearts
* A Sleepy-Time Prayer—a good-night prayer tied to the theme of the story
Dreams are sweeter when we dream of the Lord.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Diane Stortz is a multipublished author who writes to make God’s wonders known to the next generation. Her children’s releases include the best-selling Say & Pray Bible and I AM: 40 Reasons to Trust God, both from Tommy Nelson. Diane’s books for women, A Woman’s Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year and Encountering God’s Heart for You, both from Bethany House, encourage women to get to know God through His Word, the Bible. Diane and her husband have two married daughters and five grandchildren—all boys! Visit her at www.DianeStortz.com.

My Thoughts on the Book:

God’s Word to Dream ON is a vivid illustrated bedtime story book taken from the Bible. The pages are full colored and illustrated. Children will enjoy exploring the illustrations. The stories cover both the Old and New Testament. There are 55 stories that are paraphrased for little ones. The stories all have the same format. Each story is 4 pages. The first page is a full colored illustration with a scripture verse and the scripture address on it. The stories are only a few short paragraphs. Each one ends with a “Sleep-Time-Prayer” that you can say with your kids and a “Bedtime Blessing” of some kind of blessing for the child.

The stories don’t flow in chronological order and skip around. I know some liberties are taken with Bible stories for young kids. Some of the stories stray from the original content slightly. Mostly I noticed that some of the stories that deal with issues of death or sin and such aren’t included. I noticed Cain and Abel, Abraham and Isaac, Sodom and Gomorrah, Shadrach, Meshach, Esther, and a few more stories weren’t included. The authors must have not wanted to deal with those topics. I have mixed feeling about that. I personally love that those stories as you can talk to your kids and deal with heart issues and sin.

Other than that for me this is a sweet bedtime Bible story book that kids will enjoy having you read to them.
I received a free copy of this book from Celebrate Lit Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


More from Diane

A happy bedtime contributes so much to a child’s welfare. Perhaps a warm bath, a story, some cuddles with mom or dad, and a prayer equal a time-tested bedtime routine. These last moments of the day, done right, create a wonderful sense of family security and love for children as they fall asleep.
Bedtime also gives us a wonderful opportunity to help children grow secure in God’s love. I wrote God’s Words to Dream On for just that reason. The stories not only create an overview of the Bible’s big story, but they focus on God’s love and care—the ways He shows us His power and protection and the reasons we can trust Him. Each story includes a simple Bible verse to remember, a simple prayer, and a bedtime blessing for your child.
Young children thrive on routine, and I think a Bible story at bedtime might be one of the best!

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Diane is giving away the grand prize package of a Scripture Lullabies CD, a bottle of Honest Company Truly Calming Bubble Bath, and a bath poof!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


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