17 August 2020

The Gentleman Spy by Erica Vetsch Book Review & Giveaway


He only wanted a duchess for a day--but she’s determined to make it a marriage for life

When his father and older brother suddenly pass away, the new Duke of Haverly is saddled with a title he never expected to bear. To thwart the plans of his scheming family, the duke impulsively marries a wallflower. After all, she’s meek and mild; it should be easy to sequester her in the country and get on with his life--as a secret agent for the Crown.

But his bride has other ideas. She’s determined to take her place not only as his duchess but as his wife. As a duchess, she can use her position to help the lowest of society--the women forced into prostitution because they have no skills or hope. Her endeavors are not met favorably in society, nor by her husband who wishes she’d remain in the background as he ordered.

Can the duke succeed in relegating her to the sidelines of his life? When his secrets are threatened with exposure, will his new wife be an asset or a liability?

About the Author:

Erica Vetsch is a New York Times best-selling and ACFW Carol Award–winning author. She is a transplanted Kansan now living in Minnesota with her husband, who she claims is both her total opposite and soul mate.  

Vetsch loves Jesus, history, romance, and sports. When she’s not writing fiction, she’s planning her next trip to a history museum and cheering on her Kansas Jayhawks and New Zealand All Blacks.

A self-described history geek, she has been planning her first research trip to England.

Learn more about Erica Vetsch and her books at www.ericavetsch.com. She can also be found on Facebook (@EricaVetschAuthor), Twitter (@EricaVetsch), Instagram (@EricaVetsch) and Pinterest (Erica Vetsch).


 My Thoughts:

 The second book in the Serendipity & Secrets series we find out more about Marcus Haverly after meeting him in the “The Lost Lieutenant” (you can read my review here )who befriended Evan Eldridge.Marcus was an intriguing character in the first series that left you wanting to know more about him.  

 Marcus didn’t resent being the second son like so many men would have in his social statues. It gave him the ability to do his job as a spy for the crown extremely well. He had access to places most commoners didn’t and yet he could also roam in places that those in his society wouldn’t dare do so. His alias as Hawk got him in places that were not appropriate or acceptable in his circle. Marcus is an interesting character that is very relatable. He doesn’t let his position as Duke change the honorable man he is, even if it may shock many in his social circle of people he is expected to mingle with.

 Charlotte is smart, brave and compassionate. Her love of learning and books is not acceptable in her status in society. Her father is a hard man that cares more about his reputation and money than the feeling of his daughter and wife. He is a very controlling man. He wants to marry his daughter off but he is afraid she is not marriage material because of her passionate opinions and intellect.

 Marcus is the last person anyone thought would be engaged to Charlotte. Charlotte wants to get out under the heavy hand of her father. She would love to have a marriage of love and trust. Marcus wants every aspect of his life to neatly but in a separate box. They are both in for a surprise as they come together as man and wife.

A great read that is not my usual genre with books. I have truly enjoyed the characters and anxiously await the next book in the series.

Erica Vetsch is an incredible writer that keeps you reading late in the night.



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I received a free copy of this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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