Student Life Application Study Bible NLT Review and Giveaway
visually engaging NLT Student Life Application Study Bible brings
learning to life for those who want to get serious about their study of
Scripture. It invites readers into an ever-deeper knowledge of God and his work
in the world. It features a beautiful, four-color interior that appeals to
younger readers as well as adults of any age. This Bible features the New
Living Translation and is equipped with the Filament Bible app. It’s perfect
for those looking for an innovative New Living Translation study Bible.
Features of the NLT Student LASB include:
27,000+ in-print and in-app study notes;
a reading guide that traces the Bible’s big story;
81 biographical summaries of the lives of important people in
the Bible;
137 pictures illustrating objects and places;
answers to 59 vital questions about the basics of Christian
belief and what it means to live as a Christian;
316 maps, charts, and infographics;
the Filament Bible app; and
the clear and accurate New Living Translation.
your Bible study with the free Filament Bible app.
The Filament Bible app is a powerful Bible-study tool featuring commentary and
thousands of study notes, devotionals, videos, reading plans, and more
resources that are curated for each page and are displayed when you scan the
page number in your Bible. The content you have available at your fingertips
pertains specifically to the passage you are reading.
Features of the Filament Bible app include
350+ videos,
40+ interactive maps and infographics,
400+ profiles and articles, and
1,500 devotionals.
About the New Living Translation
The New Living Translation is a clear and accurate English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading of God’s Word.
My Thoughts:
This is the NLT which is the New Living Translation. @TyndaleBibles
It is available as a softcover, hardcover, and Leatherlike
cover. You can get a charcoal gray striped or a teal striped with index tabs or
without. I have the teal striped without the index tabs. It’s very appealing in
color and size.
Another feature is the Filament Bible app which includes over
350 videos, interactive maps, articles, profiles, and devotionals. The Bible itself has several notes, reading
guides, charts, and other neat features. I love the maps that are included
throughout the Bible. Each book has an introduction page that gives you an
overview of the book and highlights key events. It also has a timeline of the
events in the book of important events. Big Story Notes that ask questions to
connect lessons and personality. There are also several illustrations of places,
items, and other relevant features of the verses.
Like so many modern Bibles they seem
to be doing things differently than what I grew up with. Just like other translations, there are several verses that are completely omitted: Matthew 17:21, Matthew 18:11,
Matthew 23:14, Acts 8: 37. Other situations are that sentences or half of the
verse is omitted completely or changed: Matthew 19:9, Luke 4:8 – “get thee
behind me Satan” is omitted, Matthew 19:9, Mark 6:11, Acts 17: 29 & Romans
1:20 removes in my opinion important words. I have just listed a few things. The Bible still has the word of God throughout it just some featured scriptures are different or just missing. How do you really review the Word of God!
I’m not a scholar of the Bible but, it doesn’t sit well with me
with so many verses being omitted or words being changed from what has been the
standard for many years. It also seems to be more gender-neutral than other
versions that I have read. This isn’t a Bible that I prefer with the
translation. It’s something that I suggest you pray about and research
yourself. Don’t just take my word of the NLT Bible.
You can purchase your own copy at this link
or you can enter a giveaway to win one for yourself
@frontgatem #NLTBible #TyndaleBibles #LifeApplicationStudyBible #BibleForStudents #SeriousStudyComesToLife
Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through Front Gate Blogger Network in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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