
17 April 2011

Passover Lapbook

 This last week leading up to Pesach/ Passover we have been working on a Passover lapbook. I found this lapbook from Homeschool Share. I simplified it for my kids age. Honestly,  I really didn't have to change much. 

We also read different books on Passover the last few days. We also read Exodus, The Matzah Man A Passover Story by Naomi Howland and a few other fun Passover books.

We also did some great activities from this Blog, she has some great printable's on the Biblical Feast. 

Happy Pesach/Passover! May the Lord bless you and keep you this week while we celebrate the Resurrection of Yeshua.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love lapbooks and your Passover book looks great!!!!! Thanks for stopping by Homeschool Circus and following. I am following you as well :-)


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