
05 March 2012

Welcome to My Home

Last week I had a neighbor across the street come inside our house. Talking with her later on in the week she was shocked at what met her right when she came inside the door. She was okay with it but, more surprised. She said, "Who knew that Bug was so into insects!"

This neighbor is one of those friendly ones who talks to everyone. Not one you would want to share personal stuff with unless you want the whole neighborhood to know about it. Yea, you know the type. Good neighbor just talks to everyone about everything. In my warped mind I had to chuckle at what the neighbors hood chatter was going around at what was in our front entrance.
Welcome to my home. This is the first thing you will see when you enter. You will meet up with a bunch of dead pinned bugs that have taken over my sofa table. Then you'll either jump, or get really interested. Then whether you want to hear about them or not you will have Bug right there ready to pounce on the opportunity to tell you about them. Next you will have to learn the names of all the native species of Kansas on the board from Bug. Who will then have mom fetch the other boxes with the species that have been stored in a holding box after they have dried out. Lastly she will then want to take you into her bedroom to show you her whole wall of insect posters.
I honestly have no where else to put them. I don't dare put them in Bugs room as she will handle them to much or leave them on the floor. Little Man would have nightmares if I put them in his room. My room already has her entomology equipment which I don't dare put it in an area that is to easy for her to access since their are chemicals, and sharp objects involved. The kitchen I couldn't imagine storing them there. That would be to much for me to handle. The basement and schoolroom are wall to wall books and toys.

When we add the collection to the wood display cases I have no idea where to store them. I will have to get creative or get rid of some stuff. The only possible place will have to be in the basement as the cases are large.

I have 2 cases already made that are empty. They are stored up on top of a bookshelf downstairs. I don't think it would work when the bugs are in there because it isn't very graceful removing them from the top. Which could damage the insects. Welcome to my home that is infested with dried insects on display, lots of insect books, posters, and not to mention insect toys. The good thing is that I don't have to dust the dried out insects just add a pest strip in the box to keep the live ones from eating the dead ones.

1 comment:

  1. :0) I love the torah scroll and then I would love to look at your insects..very cool!


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