24 September 2015

Our 2014-2015 Curriculum

Another year is about to begin. This year I feel a bit out of sync with school. We are in the midst of moving and I feel very unorganized without a classroom and being at the in-laws until we get into our new home. We are not even going to be on a full schedule for a month or so.

Usually, I am pretty consistent every year. All those reviews have made me step out of my comfort zone!

Here's a look at our 2015-2016 curriculum:

  Bug will be starting 7th grade this year!

Language Arts:

Christian Light Education Language Arts.


Pathway Readers looked like it might be a good fit for my struggling reader.


Rod and Staff Penmanship for Christin Writing grade 3 which we should finish up here shortly and then we will switch over to New American Cursive. You can see my review from the TOS Crew here.


All About Spelling we are going to review and go back a bit as she has regressed in spelling a lot due to seizure activity. I am not sure which level we are going to start with yet. I


This is a integrated into the Essentials: Logic of English and All About Spelling. If needed I will add on some other programs we have on hand.

All of the above subjects we are going to do some online subscriptions like Learning Palette, Essential Skills Advantage, and other manipaltives.  


This has been a hard one for me with my child with severe learning disabilities. She has a good grasp of the basics like addition, subtraction, basic multiplication, and some other concepts. We hit a large boulder in some areas a while back.

We are going to finish up Christian Light Education Math 3. this 3x's a week with her. Then she will do Teaching Textbooks 3 with her

We will enjoy our online subscriptions like CTC Math, and Ubersmart software, and manipulatives.

My sweet little Bug is always a challenge as I never know what the year will bring for her. She keeps me on my toes and on my knees praying for wisdom.

Little Man is in 4th grade.

Language Arts:

Bob Jones Writing and Grammar.

IEW Student Intensive A. You can see my review here from the TOS Crew Review.


My son use to love to read but, lately he is too busy with exploring and adventures that he doesn't want to take the time to SIT and read without me reminding him(begging) to do so. 

Christian Light Education's Reading 4. Not to mention a whole host of boy's books that I picked up this year for him.


We are going to finish up Cursive Logic and then go to the next level of New American Cursive.


IEW: The Phonetic Zoo

We are going to finish up Teaching Textbooks 3 and then go to the next level.

We will enjoy are online subscriptions like CTC Math, Ubersmart software, and manipulative.

Social Studies:

Christian Light: Into all the World

Veritas Press: New Testament Greece and Rome. Bug will most likely watch the lessons with him.

365 Fascinating Facts about Israel


Christian Light Bible 


A Little Book of Manners for Boys by Bob and Emilie Barnes and The Boy's Body Book.

Subjects that we are going to do together. 


Bible study always is changing depending on what is going on in our lives and to help them in their spiritual growth. We always read the Bible and work our way through the Bible in a year or so.

Little Man is going to start his own study this year.

We are going to work on reading the weekly Parsha

The Narrow Way-Character Curriculum & Family Bible Devotional by the Pearables.
Proverbs People by Rick and Marilyn Boyer. 


Truth in Science

Sonlight Introduction to the World 1. Little Man was really young when I went through this. Bug really can't go into the upper levels so I am going to go through some levels again. I may change out a few read out louds.


We will finish up Down to Earth Geography. We are also going to do just a passport book.

Brookdale House: Around the World USA and Sonlight 
Foreign Language:

Cap IT! Hebrew level 3 Siddur edition

Alef Press Biblical Hebrew Primer

First Lessons in Hebrew and a mixture of other programs.


We may not continue the PE group we have been involved in for years due to our moving.

Health is always taught throughout the year in some form in my home!

Karate-Little Man only

Horseback riding-Bug only for her weekly therapy.


ARTistic Pursuit has always been a favorite around my home and we will continue with it like we have for many years. You can read my TOS Crew review here.

Then I will add in all of our review items that we do. Some we do just for the review period and others I continue with after the review.


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